The Pediatric and Adult Medical Resuscitation Guide is a powerful tool to speed up pediatric and adult resuscitation. It provides the code team members with complete, fast, and reliable data.
- Tabbed browsing - Broselow colors
- All groups of patients: newborn, child, adult, pregnant patient, morbidly obese patient
- More than 400 precomputed tables (weights in kg and in pounds), reflecting two different points of view:
-1-To each PALS and ACLS algorithm or resuscitation problem corresponds a table listing its medications or electrical therapies for a series of weights, with Broselow colors:
----- Cardiac arrest
----- Ventricular fibrillation
----- Bradycardia with a pulse and poor perfusion
----- Tachycardia with a pulse and poor perfusion
----- Anaphylaxis
----- Malignant hyperthermia
----- Hyperkalemia
----- Local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST)
----- Airway access devices: mask ventilation, intubation, laryngeal mask airways, cricothyrotomy, etc.
-2- "Resuscitation in a nutshell" for each weight, ranging from 2,7 to 100 kg:
----- PALS / ACLS thumbnails with highlights of treatments, and differential diagnosis
----- Airway access thumbnails with specific sizes
----- Normal vitals
----- Burns thumbnail
----- Drugs in alphabetical order: PALS, ACLS, anaphylaxis, malignant hyperthermia, hyperkalemia, local anesthetics intoxication
----- Catecholamines infusions
----- Vasodilators infusions
----- Electrical therapies: cardioversion, defibrillation
----- iv solutions
----- Blood products transfusions
A chapter is dedicated to Airway Access for the Occasionnal Laryngoscopist, and for teaching purposes.
Dr Sophie Drolet is a medical doctor specialized in anesthesiology and resuscitation. She is professor of clinical anesthesiology at Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS), in Canada.
Since 2011, she has built and formatted this resuscitation guide for the operating theatre of CHUS Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu, in order to speed up pediatric resuscitation, eliminate calculation errors, and provide a fast, reliable and user-friendly reference assisting every code team member during a pediatric code. She has now included all groups of patients: newborn, child, adult, pregnant patient, and morbidly obese patient.
The printed version of the Guide is intended to be on every crash cart, whereas the electronic version is intended for individual reading as well as for teaching purposes.
This Guide is optimized for North America. If you plan to use the Guide, but would like some adjustments (eg.: brand names of medications), then dont hesitate to contact the author: [email protected].
The Application can take up to 15 seconds to load.
Notes cannot be taken directly in the application. If something important for you is missing, please contact the author.
Be sure to update regularly the Resuscitation App on your mobile device, for security updates might happen.
Each App is intrinsically bilingual (English, French), but shows only one language at a time, depending on your settings. Each printed book is unilingual: English or French.
A Unique Guide
... At least 13 software programs used: TeXnicle, TeXShop, Bibdesk, TextWrangler, Numbers, Pages, iPhoto, Preview, Xcode, Photoshop, Acrobat, Image Transfer
... LaTeX: 550 files, 200 commands, 700 lines of code in the style file, 7 hours of compilation per version
... Numbers: 38 spreadsheets with more than 400 formulas in which only one parameter varies, weight
... 45 different weights having each 10 specific pages, 7 tables, and 17 to 19 thumbnails for airway access and rescucitation
... 75 original photos and drawings for teaching Airway Access